Thursday, January 10, 2008

What To Say???

I just do not know what to say tonight. I must blog for this crazy contest that nobody seems likely to win. But I am tired and I really just want to take a HOT bath and read my book. But NOOOOOOO....I am blogging!!! So what book am I reading. My really good friend Amy is a book fiend. I love it(and her). She always seems to have interesting books to borrow. I am currently reading(well just starting in about five minutes) "The Russian Concubine". Since it is from Amy I pretty sure I will enjoy it.
As I am writing this totally boring blog I am listening to the TV. It is on CMT. They are running a documentary on Jimmy Buffett. He had a hit not too long ago(2003) with Alan Jackson called "It's Five O'Clock Somewhere". Jimmy won an award for his contribution to the song. Anyway, I LOVE Jimmy Buffett music. Makes me just want to get up and dance. Oh yea...another Buffett trivia. He has something in common with Jesus. They were born on the same day. Does that make him something special in the eyes of God? OY...I should just say goodnight. My mind is wandering to strange things and thoughts. Goodnight parrotheads....Fins to the Left....Fins to the right...........Cheeseburger in Paradise.....wasting away in Bloggerville!!!!

1 comment:

Scarlett said...

I wish I had seen that show on Buffett. I love his music - reminds me of college. A Pirate Looks at Forty is my all-time fave!