Monday, August 18, 2008

First Day of School

Evan and Trey went off to school today. Evan in the second grade while Trey started the kindergarten. Trey was very very nervous about the whole thing. He looked like he was going to throw up or cry this morning. But when I saw him at lunch he was fine. I knew he would be okay if he could just get kindergarten stared. The anticipation is horrible. I am excited for them both to come home so I can hear about their first day. I can't believe I have two kiddies in school now.


Melodie said...

Did the boys choose their own outfits for school today, or did you do it for them? They're nicely color coordinated with each other.
Good for them that they had a great first day.

jennifer said...

No that was all them. Trey had on his Power Ranger outfit/ A must for the first day of school. Evan really wanted to wear his only pair of plaid shorts.