Sunday, September 14, 2008

Old Photo Blog/New Me

I am going to try to change up my blog a little bit. I realize I am a boring blogger. I am not creative in my ideas or writing prose....BUT.....I am going to try and change. At least every few blogs. You didn't expect all my blogs to be witty, funny and versatile. Come on......this is me still. I am a boring soul no matter how I try to change the wrapper. new me for the moment. I am reading this interesting book(borrowed from Amy) called Mary - Mrs. A. Lincoln by Janis Cooke Newman. It is a historical fiction novel. As I have been reading about Mary Todd Lincoln I realized I know nothing about her and therefore am unsure if the people, places and actions in the book are real to her life or something the author made up. So I was online a few nights ago researching this "First Lady" and came across a photo of her. The photo was part of a blog called As I perused this blog I decided it was way cool and I had to share with my fellow bloggers and readers. So please check it out and let me know or the old-photo blogger how you like the site.


Anonymous said...

That is a very cool blog Jen! Thank you for sharing. I'll be checking there often. I did a lot of googling when I read Mary too to see how accurate the history was. I was surprised to learn how Abe won the election to become president! That would NEVER happen today!!

Melodie said...

That's a cool blog.

Karen said...

Very cool Blog! I'm going to add it to my blog list. Thanks for sharing.