Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Painful Day

So what did I do this morning that was oh so joyful and thrilling? What did I do that took all morning long....from 8:30am to noon?

I had a root canal and a crown put on my tooth. Do not believe anyone when they say it does not hurt. They are lying people!!!! I even have what I believe to be a high pain tolerance.

After the four numbing injections(which I felt by the way) I thought the procedure would not be so bad. I wore my IPOD to block out the drilling sounds. It blocked it mostly but certainly not all the way. Thank you Uncle Carl for giving me this device. If not for the IPOD I would have gone insane with all the sounds. The smells on the other hand made me nauseated. At times I was holding my breathe and praying for it to be done. While during the procedure the numbing was effective it wore off and had to be re-administered. Fun and Joy to me!

Now I am living with the aftermath of all the pulling and poking at my tooth and gums. I have never driven so fast to the pharmacy for a prescription. I only filled the Motrin prescription. I believe I will survive without Vicodin. I am not a drug taker in general so I think my body will respond well to the Motrin. For now I am hungry and afraid to eat. Wonder what the rest of my day will hold?


Monkeys Mommy said...

Ouch! Feel better...

Heather said...

Oh goodness, Jen. I do hope you feel better quick!

Karlise said...

Feel better Jen! I'd take the Vicodin though! LOL

Holly said...

Hope your mouth is feeling better tonight!

Melodie said...

I'm with Karlise here. I'd have gotten the Vicodin, even if it was only for "just in case."

I hope you feel better soon.

Working Mama said...

Oh Jen! I am SO sorry! That sounds horrendous! I hope you are feeling better lickety-split and the motrin does its magic!