Today was the first day of 3rd and 1st grade for Evan and Trey. Zane starts pre-school next week. I think everyone did really good this year. Getting up was slightly hard for us....six a.m. is painful when you have been slacking for three months. I woke Evan up first and his words were......I am still tired I want to go back to sleep. Uh....sorry kiddo...time to go to school. Trey was his usual grumpiness....I am used to it....but it seemed to dissipate quicker this morning than most days. Huh.....maybe a trend? Once at school(and the same for sneak peek...yesterday)Trey changed personalities. He shut down and appeared sad with his head hung low. He would not even say hello to his kindergarten teacher from last year.
After school they had dentist appointments. The kiddies go to the dentist so this is nothing new BUT/So i am unsure if it was the fluoride treatment, the dentist or first day jitters but Trey threw up on the way home from the dentist. ALL OVER THE CAR SEAT and FLOOR. Totally gross. Thank goodness I have hard, plastic, washable mats that keep my car carpets safe. As usual....he feels much better afterwards and is ready to resume his life. What is new in the life of Trey!
Talking to his Aunt Leslie this evening Trey mentioned his love, Julia, was not in his class. He still says he will marry her. Hope his love fires keep up until 2ND grade because she is not around him in school this year.
Evan, of course, loves his teacher. He says she is super nice. He loves school and being around his friends. Evan is an easy going kid. Thank goodness. One thing that impressed me with Evan's teacher is that she has been at our school since it opened in 1987. That is over twenty years ago...and she taught way before that as well. And she looks so young.
Trey and Ms. Watson(at sneak peek)
Evan and Ms. Perry(at sneak peek)
Glad it went well!
Did the school open in 87 or 97? 97 is only 12 years ago. Geez, 12 years though. Crazy! are error. I went and changed it though. Thanks!
6:00 am? What time do they have to get the bus. My kids would never make it at 6, I get them up at 7 to be at the busstop by 7:35. Sorry Zane had a rough first day!
I can't believe how much variation there is as to when school starts. We are on our 3rd week. boys do not ride the school bus. I drive them to school and walk them to class everyday. School starts at 8am but we get to school by 7:30am to get to each class.
I am amazed at the difference in school systems from my state to yours.....and probabably all the other states as well.
I have to get the kids up at 6am also. I could never get them to eat breakfast and get ready in 30 minutes. Shawn is such a slow poke!
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