Sunday, May 3, 2009

Lakeland Movie

A local film company is shooting a film called Endure in Lakeland. The film is actually based on a story from Lakeland(the green swamp area). They have been filming shots all around town. Many of them known Lakeland spots like the library, Mr. Fish, Lake Hollingsworth, the Polk theater and a very famous spot .......Lakeland Coin and Laundry. This is my grandmothers place. Yes....her place was used in the exciting is that! family is excited.


Heather said...

very cool!

Anonymous said...

OMG!! You're like... almost famous! That's awesome!

Karen said...

Yeah, what Julie said! That is very cool!

Melodie said...

It'll be really cool to see how it turns out in the movie. Very cool!